Asia-Pacific Conference of Young Scientists (APCYS)

Asia-Pasific Conference of Young Scientists (APCYS) - 2014


Asia Pacific Conference of Young Scientists (APCYS) aim to promote and encourage young students to be curious in science and embark on scientific research.

2014 (3rd) Asia Pacific Young Scientists Conference to be held in Taiwan on August 18-22, 2014. Venue: National Academy for Educational Research (NAER Sanxia District).

Schedule Asia-Pasific Young Scientists Conference 2014

Date Activities
Aug 18, 2014 Arrival Day
Preparation of Poster Exhibition
Welcome Dinner
Jury Meeting
Aug 19, 2014 Opening Ceremony Project
Poster Presentation Project
Oral Presentation (I-V Category)
Aug 20, 2014 Oral Presentation (I-V Category)
Leader Sharing Session (Teacher)
Jury Meeting (Jury Only)
Culture Exchange
Aug 21, 2014 Awarding & Closing Ceremony
Culture Events (New Taipei City)
Aug 22, 2014 Departure Day


Participants from each country will be composed by maximum 4 (four) students and 1 (one) team leader.

Registration open at May 1, 2014 and due at June 25, 2014.

Project Work will be categorized in 5 groups :

  • Physics
  • Mathematics
  • Computer Science
  • Life Science
  • Environmental Science

All presentations and the exhibition of all research work will be examined by a panel of International Jury members.

Steering Commitee :

  • Monika Raharti, Center for Young Scientists - Surya University
  • Prof. Kwek Leong Chuan, Center of Quantum Technologies - NUS | Institute of Advanced Studies at NTU
  • Prof. Ramlee Mustapha, Faculty of Technical and Vocational Education - Sultan Idris Education University
  • Prof. Chao-Ming FU, Physics Deppartment - National Taiwan University

For more information : (will be launched soon)
