
The strategic link with a third party is vital in order to accomplish CYS vision. Center for Young Scientists takes part in the strategic links by facilitating in all key areas in the system.



Government - either in provincial or municipal level - takes the key area of giving opportunity to the students in exposing their works through regional research competitions as a step to national and international research competitions.


Schools, Universities, and Research Institutes

Schools, universities and research institutes are expected to support schools with the facilities such as laboratories and equipment, as well as judges in competitions and supervisors of mentors.


Teacher Association

The teacher association of research mentors is a platform of developing teacher's capability in mentoring through seminars, symposium and workshop on educational research.




Alumni of Research Competitions

Alumni will always be the best in keeping the chain of communication between generations.


Corporate and Foundation

Sometimes the best is defeated by the have. Not all talents can advance to the national or international level due to lack of funding. The support from corporate social responsibility (CSR) or education related foundation may help.


Together we can build a strong researh culture in Indonesia! We invites all youth research stakeholders to cooperate with us in terms of partnership or sponsorship.