About Us

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To be a platform in 2030 for character building of 30,000 doctors.



To promote research in elementary and secondary school levels, and improving teacher's capability in mentoring as well as constructing the atmosphere of research.



  • Honesty
  • Equity
  • Creativity



  • Monitoring and data collecting on research topics of elementary and secondary school students
  • Constructs the ethics and international standard of student's research project
  • Constructs the standard and teachers association of research mentor
  • Develops school standard and qualification including technical counseling in inquiry-based learning implementation
  • Develops research competition system to accommodate schools of all level of research qualification


The strategic link is needed in order to accomplish CYS mission which includes: schools, universities and research institutes, teacher association, alumni of research competitions, and government. Universities and research institutes are expected to support schools with the facilities such as laboratories and equipment, as well as judges in competitions and supervisors of mentors. Alumni will always be the best in keeping the chain of communication between generations. Provincial government takes the key area of giving opportunity to the students in exposing their works through regional research competitions as a step to national and international research competitions. The teacher association of research mentors is a platform of developing teacher's capability in mentoring through seminars, symposium and workshop on educational research. Center for Young Scientists takes part in the strategic link through facilitates all key areas in a system.



Training for Indonesian team for research competitions (ICYS, APCYS), innovation competitions (IEYI, AYIE), science fairs and other international and national scientific events have been conducted by the Center for Young Scientists. These are the profile of the mentors :


Monika Raharti

  • Director of Center for Young Scientists
  • Researcher & Lecturer at Surya University
  • President of APCYS
  • Steering Committee Member of ICYS
  • Council Member of Association of Asia Pacific Physical Societies
  • Task Force of Asia-Europe Physics Summit
  • Member of Awarding Division of World Federation of Physics Competition
  • Working Group of Asia Pacific Women in Physics
  • Jury in Physics (ICYS)
  • Jury in Environmental Science (APCYS)
  • Trainer of Teacher Training on Research Supervision
  • Mentor of Indonesian Team for ICYS and APCYS

Janto V. Sulungbudi

  • Researcher and Lecturer at Surya University and UNPAR
  • Jury in Physics (ICYS and APCYS)
  • Jury in Physics of Young Scientists Competitions
  • Trainer of Teacher Training on Research Supervision
  • Mentor of Indonesian Team for ICYS and APCYS

Syailendra Harahap

  • Director of Center for Innovative Learning
  • Researcher and Lecturer at Surya University
  • Jury in Computer Science (ICYS)
  • Jury in Mathematics and Computer Science (APCYS)
  • Jury in Physics, Mathematics, Computer Science , and Environmental Science (Young Scientists Competitions)
  • Trainer of Teacher Training on Research Supervision
  • Mentor of Indonesian Team for ICYS and APCYS

Srisetiowati Seiful

  • Executive Board, Office of the President, Surya University
  • Lecturer at Surya University
  • Steering Committee, APCYS
  • Chairman of Steering Committee, International Science Enterprise Challenge (ISEC)
  • Jury, Social Innovation Competition (SIC)
  • Trainer of Teacher Training on Research Supervision
  • Mentor of Indonesian Teams for ICYS and APCYS

Hokky Situngkir

  • Director and Researcher (Bandung Fe Institute)
  • Mentor of Indonesian Team for ICYS and APCYS